Daily Rant. GDPR MicroRant Edition 27 May 2018.

If another web provider asks me to reaffirm my details I think I will go mad.

It’s not my fault that the nanny state of Europe has seen fit to institute one of the most ill advised Internet privacy laws on the face of the planet.

GDPR is like raising a Pitbull. It’s cute and fluffy and lovely, until it starts pissing on the carpet and bites someone’s arm off.

Did any of those geriatric gas bags in Strasbourg actually think for a second about the implications of instituting a privacy law that would have global impact.

I posit that they did not.

The impact of GDPR is enormous. It is the Nanny State run wild. It tears down the walls of private enterprise while those who toast its success sip on champagne and snack on canapes.

It leaves individual choice in tatters. If I want to visit ‘frogsinleotards dot com’ that is my choice. I assume personal responsibility. If I have a fetish about amphibians in ballerina gear that is my very personal cross to carry.

I don’t need someone to tell me that my personal details and a longing for tadpoles is public property. I know that.

Nice legs.

GDPR will not stop someone using my information for their own purposes. It does NOTHING to stop governments accessing my data.

And that is the problem. It is a measure of control. But it is controlling the wrong things. It puts a brake on private enterprise but does zero to stop an invasion of privacy by the worst offenders.

Author: Steve Mallach

A slightly balding communications professional who is enjoying a new focus on creative writing. But still wants that bar on a beach in South East Asia which incorporates a library and wifi access. Books are free. Just bring one back for others to enjoy. The worst business model in the world. . A conversation about Lord of The Flies or Blade Runner might get you a free drink.

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