Quickrant. Electricity Supply Edition. 16 June 2018.

How much deeper Eskom?

You’ve already cut away the muscle and reached the bone with consumers who actually pay their bills. Now you want to suck the marrow out of those bones.

We, the consumer pay.

Now the fact that electricity is cheap in SA doesn’t tell the entire story. Not even close. The people who are paying for that electricity are under increasing pressure.

The fact of the matter is that the consumer in South Africa (who pay their bills) are paying more than any other BRICS country electricity user.

You say you’ve added 1.6 million new customers?

Words are clever things. It makes no difference if you’ve added them and they don’t pay their bills.

Those consumers in SA who pay their bills pay an absolute fortune for power. And I use the word ‘absolute’ in its fiscal sense.

The municipalities don’t pay their bills and they are bleeding the country dry.

You cannot borrow (or extort money) from Peter to pay Paul forever, something that seems to have escaped your fellow travelers at SAA.

And now you’ve spooned with government in a bed made of your soiled spending to prevent people using generators – you want a ‘licensing fee’. No one is an idiot. Licensing is an effort to prevent any free choice. You want to stop people taking any initiative.

The next will be licensing and further taxation of solar – and from what I understand that is well advanced.

Eskom is a bloated, self serving and corrupt organisation. A legacy of state control that should have been shot in the head ages ago.

But now you’re in choppy waters and flailing around for a life preserver – and if you are not bailed out the entire country suffers.

And while you’re drowning you do what every drowning victim does – you take down the rescuer with you.

Your previous management got rid off anyone who knew what they were doing. Maintenance, financial control, good corporate governance. And it was a new dawn.

Yes – it was and that sunrise bled red all over this country’s fiscal landscape.

You have new power stations. But because of management incompetence they will not operate at full capacity for – well never, if things go on the way they are going.

Your coal supplies are a lesson in how the free market shouldn’t work.

The only thing I thank God for is that the nuclear option appears to be stalled. But perhaps it should go ahead. Given the fact that your organisation couldn’t find its ass with both hands in the dark, maybe that comforting Uranium glow might help.

I have an idea. Buy SAA’s planes and fly the fucking coal to power plants. The planes won’t get dirtier inside and the airline is hemorrhaging money anyway so why not make use of the planes?