Daily Rant. Trump Edition. 21 June 2018.

I love Donald Trump.

He has confirmed every single thing that I have always strongly believed about politicians.

They are venial power mongers who would take a psychopath test and fall into every single category. The difference between him and other politicians is that he doesn’t have that vital filter. It’s simply buried under one of his failed development projects. He will say exactly what he thinks.

And that thinking is sometimes so flawed that I gasp in something I am beginning to think of as ‘reverse awe.’ Or revulsion to put it more simply.
It is the same in drawn breath of air that you take when you see a drunken father sitting at a restaurant table lean over and smack his kid on the side of the head.

He is a breath of fresh air.

Well, not fresh air. The sort of air that you breath in around a campfire that someone has set ablaze with kerosene.

It makes no difference to him what people think. Because they are simply not human beings with desires, hopes and dreams. And even more dangerously, he thinks that people can be catagorised. Because he honestly and truly believes that some elements of society are sub human.

Any criticism is like pouring gasoline on a fire. He burns brighter and more toxic.

He is the Paris Hilton of politics.

Entitled, from a wealthy family and absolutely no regard for human beings. It’s all fun until you get a political STD.

Apparently leather doesn’t burn.

And Republican supporters are crowing about his popularity. Wait.
Let me be perfectly clear. I think the Democrats are bereft of ideas and I think many of their supporters are frankly insane. But I have the same thoughts about the Republicans.

The cake is made of crazy- it’s just the colour and flavour of the icing that differs.
I could go on and on about guns, tax, California, oil, the maniac that Trump has put in charge of the EPA, bible punchers in the White House, firing everyone. The CIA, the FBI, Hillary Clinton, military spending.

It goes on and on.

But I’m not going to.


Because I had a little bit of a think.

A few things leapt to mind.

1. Anyone who separates children from their parents should be whipped. And I don’t care if it was a Clinton era law. Trump had the ability to stop it on day one. He didn’t. He got so caught up in his narrow worldview that he missed everything. So now he’s back peddling and the PR machine goes into overdrive. No excuse – you messed it up. You. No one else.

2. That Mardi Gras in Singapore. What did you hope to achieve? I’ll tell you what you have done. You have sent an engraved dinner invitation to Iran. ‘Keep at it and I’ll come over and offer you the keys to the kingdom.’

3. China sanctions. You mess with these people at the risk of your own country. I’m not saying don’t engage – but there seems to be a short circuit in your brain. You went to a military academy – didn’t they teach you not to fight wars on three different fronts? You have pissed off Europe, Canada and Brics. Aside from China. Who is going to step into the breach? You’ve now stopped your cooperative military exercises with Asian nations. I think Mr Putin appreciates all that you have done for him.

It goes on and on. But you know what disappoints and enrages me more than that is disappointment. Trump. You were supposed to have your head screwed on right as far as economics were concerned. The popularity of the U.S. is at an all time low internationally. You are only beginning to see the edge of what is a global economy turn against the U.S.

It could have been so, so much better. If only you’d realised that you are an elder statesman.

Instead you have embraced a Kissinger model of unpredictability. That may have worked in the late 60’s and early 70’s as a way of keeping governments guessing during the Cold War. It is today a recipe for disaster.

Author: Steve Mallach

A slightly balding communications professional who is enjoying a new focus on creative writing. But still wants that bar on a beach in South East Asia which incorporates a library and wifi access. Books are free. Just bring one back for others to enjoy. The worst business model in the world. . A conversation about Lord of The Flies or Blade Runner might get you a free drink.

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